Fangzheng Liu | 刘芳政 (
About me
Hi! I'm a PhD student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab. I'm studying in Responsive Environments group, advised by Prof. Joe Paradiso

I'm a maker, engineer, and I hope I could go to the space in the future! I love painting, basketball, and hiking! I really enjoy building things (embedded systems, electroncal-mechanical systems) that can do some interesting things.
Background & experience
I got my first Master degree in Signal and Information Processing from China (2018). After that, I went to CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), and worked as an engineer in the AMS-02 (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) experiment, a state-of-the-art particle physics detector operating on the International Space Station (ISS). The experiment is led by Nobel laureate of physics Prof. Samuel C. C. Ting.

Me at AMS-02 & The AMS-02 on the ISS.

The AMS-02 UTTPS thermal vacuum test in Terny, Italy.

Astronauts are installing the UTTPS.
After a year of work at CERN, I came to MIT Media Lab. I got my second Master's degree from MIT Media Lab in Digital communication and Multimedia in 2021, and now I'm pursuing my PhD.