Fangzheng Liu
Develop RP2040 with PicoSDK in PlatformIO
I love VSCode and PlatformIO and finally found a way to develop the RP2040 with PicoSDK. Before, using Arduino framework seems to be the only option for PLatformIO to develop firmware for RP2040. But now, with the PicoSDK, we can use the official SDK to develop the baremetal firmware which is much better since i have all control of all the low-level hardware. One thing I'm not sure is if it allows PIO, which is a cool weapon for RP2040.
This is the platformio.ini used:
[env:stable] platform = board = pico framework = picosdk board_build.core = earlephilhower debug_tool = jlink upload_protocol = jlinkHere is a useful link: Using this core with PlatformIO Also it's fine to use Arduino framework, since it's based on the PicoSDK, and it supports the PIO.